Bulking: Does anything go?
Most of us regard bulking as a guilty pleasure where the pleasure of eating anything in sight is accompanied by the guilt of watching our abs disappear into distant memory. Building your ideal physique usually involves two distinct cycles where bulking is one and the other is cutting. Bulking involves actively trying to put on weight by entering a caloric surplus – knowing your macros will be key to this process. The caloric surplus is a critical component of the bulk because without it you will lack the energy and nutrition required to improve size and performance. However, the question of which approach to take to enter this caloric surplus still stands, do we go the clean bulking route or the dirty bulking route? We know which one sounds like more fun but read on to make sure you know which approach is best for you.
What is a clean bulk?
A clean bulk is driven by a two-prong goal which consists of adding as much lean muscle mass as possible while taking on minimal amounts of fat as possible in the process. Ultimately, calories may be calories but those consumed in a clean bulking diet are better at supporting bodily and cellular function than some of the empty calories consumed in dirty bulking.What is a dirty bulk?
Want to have your cake and eat it? Well, when you’re dirty bulking you just about can. What distinguishes a dirty bulk from a clean bulk is that it follows more of a no-holds-barred approach, meaning the source of the extra calories is not restricted and to some extent, neither is the amount. This pretty much means that if it’s edible it can be added to your diet. What it also means is that those following a dirty bulking approach usually end up consuming hundreds and sometimes thousands more calories than their clean bulking counterparts. Each approach has its pros and cons. We’ll give you a rundown of them below so you can make an informed decision on which approach best suits your goals, and your temperament.The clean bulk
- Improve strength
- Improve size
- Enhance muscle mass
- Minimal fat gain
- Can cost more to maintain due to pricing of healthy foods
- The strain and stress of managing a strict diet are still more present than in dirty bulking
The dirty bulk
- Increase in size and strength
- Less costly process than clean bulking
- Offers a true mental and psychological break from a strict dieting regime
- More excess fat will be gained and consequently harder to lose
- The nutritious value of foods is all but ignored
The benefits of bulking
Social life
Add muscle mass
Rebuilding muscle mass lost during caloric deficit and cardio
Base metabolic rate adjustment